Mahesh Bhupathi to tie the knot with his gorgeous bollywood star Lara Dutta soon on February 14, 2011 as Mahesh Bhupathi, Lara Dutta both are engaged already on on September 19, 2010. The wedding, to be held at a luxury resort in Goa, will be an exclusive, by-invitation-only affair with some 300 guests, mostly family and friends. We will update you the Mahesh Bhupathi, Lara Dutta marriage/ wedding photos, pics whenever the couple get married.
Hesh and the 32 year old actress Lara got engaged in September 2010 during the US Open in New York. The engagement became public when the doubles star announced it on a social networking site shortly after, during India’s Davis Cup tie against Brazil in Chennai. Earlier this year, Hesh announced on Twitter, “My new year resolution for this decade is…. Get married and stay married”.
Mahesh Shrinivas Bhupathi, is an Indian professional tennis player widely regarded as among the best doubles players in the world with 11 Grand Slam titles to his credit. In 1997, he became the first Indian to win a Grand Slam tournament (with Rika Hiraki). With his win of the Australian Open Mixed Doubles in 2006, he joined the elite group of eight tennis players who have achieved a Career Mixed Doubles Grand Slam.
In 2001, Mahesh Bhupathi was awarded the Padma Shri, one of India’s highest civilian awards. His mother Tongue is Telugu. Mahesh Bhupathi was married to model Shvetha Jaishankar, but the couple have now separated (divorced). They were married for seven years. Mahesh Bhupathi and, the former Miss Universe 2000 and Bollywood actress, Lara Dutta have formally announced their engagement on September 19 via the social networking website Twitter. Mahesh Bhupathi is all set to tie the knot with his gorgeous bollywood star Lara Dutta on February 14, 2011. Bhupathi is a Christian by belief.
Tags: Lara Dutta, Mahesh BhupathiView the original article here
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