In the year 2010 fourth season of the Indian reality TV show Bigg Boss Shweta Tiwari is the winner of Bigg Boss 4, while The Great Khali was announced as the runner-up. Shweta Tiwari first woman to win the show hosted by Salman Khan, going away with a prize money of 1 crore Rupees. Bigg Boss 4 in 2010 was the fourth season of the Indian reality TV show Bigg Boss, which aired on Colors from October 3, 2010. This season was longer than its predecessor, Bigg Boss 3 and lasted for 14 weeks (96 days) ending on January 8, 2011. Four of the housemates Ashmit Patel, Dolly Bindra, The Great Khali and Shweta Tiwari entered the final week, facing public vote. The Bigg Boss Season 4 show ended on January 8, 2011 with the grand finale with Shweta Tiwari as the winner.
Shweta Tiwari is a television and film actress with her claim to fame is of the role of Prerna in Balaji Telefilms’s television serial Kasautii Zindagii Kay. On 8 January 2011, Shweta Tiwari won the Indian television reality show, Bigg Boss 4 defeating Ashmit Patel, The Great Khali and Dolly Bindra in the finals. She is the first woman to win the show. Well, Shweta Tiwari seems to have won the hearts of the public. Shweta emerged as a winner in the Fourth season of Bigg Boss after successfully completing 96 days in the Bigg Boss house defeating the likes of Ashmit Patel, Dolly Bindra, Hrishant Goswami, Sara Khan, Aanchal Kumar, Rahul Bhatt etc. Her straightforward nature worked well for her. So how will Shweta celebrate? It looks like a party is surely on the cards.
On winning the title, an over-whelmed Shweta Tiwari said “I am really happy to win Bigg Boss Season 4. It’s like a dream come true. Throughout my show I was non-pretentious and played the game with utmost honesty. I am grateful to my fans who voted for me, believed in me and helped me reach where I am today. It was indeed unique experiences of my life time”
Tags: Bigg Boss 4 winner, Shweta TiwariView the original article here
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